Saturday, October 19, 2013

In The Beginning

The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands

day after day they pour forth speech,

night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth.
Their voice to the ends of the world.           Psalm 19:1-4

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Saints or Sinners?

Many years ago, went to my first Camp Meeting.  It was at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. I don't remember the speeches, the sermons, the people.  I do remember 2 songs..."Christ For Me" and "Jesus, There's something About That Name."  And I remember thinking "How wonderful it is to be among all these Saints.  I was a newly baptized Christian.
Twenty three years old, with a loving, kind, beautiful husband and a prescious 2 year old daughter.
I believed that I had joined a Church of  Saints.  My first surprise came at a Dorcas Meeting.  Here was all the saintly ladies.  One of the lady saints was. absent.  Listening to the conversation I soon discovered....the missing member was not a saint.These dear precious lady do gooders listed the missing saints faults, sins and shortcomings.  My first awakening.. 
  We are all sinners saved by the grace of our God.  These dear ladies, I learned to love them all and I still do.  Will be seeing them in Heaven.
   I look back over the years, I wonder how many people have I disappointed, with my remarks about someone?  Believe me, I make them.  Thinking how disappointed I was in my lady saints, speaking unkindly.  How much more has my Lord and Savior been sadden by my words, my actions, my thoughts. 
Lord Jesus, forgive me.  I don't deserve one drop of the precious blood you shed for me. And yet you suffered humilation, pain, separation from your Father...
     No, we don't deserve your love, your forgiveness, your loving kindnes to us.  And we expect you to answer our prayers.  To save us from Satan's attacks.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us.., that we should be callled the children of God.  1st John. 3:1.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Goodbye Summer

Here we are again.  At the back side of summer.  Winter is knocking at the door.  Just yesterday morning, we woke to a beautiful white snow. Snow, about 8 inches.  My grandson, Jeremy shook    the snow from the trees, so we wouldn't have broken branches.  The trees still have beautiful green leaves.  Not for long, I guess.

Yes, it was beautiful.  But, I'm not snow person.  It means winter.  Winter means cold weather, coats, boots, gloves, slushy roads, turning on the furnace.  I'm a summer person.  Pretty flower beds, vegetable garden, picnics, sitting in the porch swing on warm summer nights, walks in the park.     The neighbor kids playing out after dark.  Just a wonderful time.

I'll get use to you, Mr. Winter.  We'll be friends.  Spending evening in by the fireplace.  Sunday aftenoons hearing the guys yelling at the football on television.  Making plans for Thanksgiving.  Checking your Christmas list..present buying, mailing cards...And putting up the Christmas tree.    Turn around and we're coloring Easter eggs.  Before we realize it, we're looking at seed catalogs.   That beautiful sun will melt the snow and O' Blessed summer, you will return.
All things considered, maybe a change of seasons is a good thing.
        Our Heavenly Father is so wise and wonderful.  Thank you, Father your world is perfect.

As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.                                   Mathew 24:32