Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Porch, My Rocker, My Time...

Seasons come and seasons go...
the years fade into the past.
This is the rainy season here in the valley, if indeed we have a rainy season.
But it has been so dry all winter and spring and then....the rains came.
For the past few weeks since the 4th we have had, almost daily,  an afternoon shower.  Now, everything is so green and I was worried that everything was drying up.

It is a quiet Sabbath day for my two little girls and me.  My girls being two dear little dogs.  Emily the boss, Sara the quiet one.

It has been over a year since I said "goodbye" to my husband of 65 years.
He was the most precious gift that God ever gave me. He was so beautiful, both in stature and character.  I loved and love him so much.  I am so looking forward to the day when I will see him again.  We had such a good happy life together.  Didn't have much money.  We didn't really need it.  Just the joy of being together, raising a son and a daughter that continue to be such a blessing.
Thanking God for the good times, and always knowing he was there with us when the road became a little rocky. Even though I am alone, I still feel the presence and the blessing of God all around me and with me. I am a happy contented woman.  Eighty six years old, mother of two, grandmother of eight and great grandmother of nine.  God is so good.  What did I ever do to deserve all his blessings..the truth is I don't deserve them.  God is just that way...he loves us so much,  he knows us so well...our promises we fail to keep.  Our selfishness, pride, anger, jealousy, all promises we make and break.  Yet, He gave, Gave, his only take our  punishment for the person I just described above.  And the son, so willing to come here to a hostile be ridiculed, spit upon, mocked and put upon a cross so that every sin we have committed might be atoned for.  So that we might have a home forever that we don't deserve and we look forward to so much without thinking of the cost of it.  Do we think when we casually say, "Please, God, forgive me for the wrong things I have done.  And thank you, Amen.  Do we have any idea of the cost that was paid for our salvation?  God ....Why?

Well the day is almost over.  It has been a good day.  I visited with my family. Chatted on the phone.  Spent some time on Facebook.  Love to check out my nieces, nephews, friends and now I think I'll feed my girls.  Check out the news. And let this be it for today.

For God so loved the world...

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