Friday, September 7, 2012

A Trip To Denver

Jason and Jeremy, my twin grandsons, took their biannual trip to the Doctor in Denver  These young men have a rare type of cancer.  The amazing part is they don't dwell on it, they don't let it get them down.  My daughter, Linda, tries and suceeds in seeing that they live as normal a life as about anyone.  They are very devout Christian young men.  But they are so much fun, so knowledgeable about most things.....computers for one thing.  They teach grandma so many things, far belong my limit and age to grasp all this new stuff.  But they keep pushing me...and they have a lot of patience. So here I am at my age...going on my own fact, I have 2.
   They spent a lot of time this summer at the Hot Springs swimming pool until they have turned a beautiful shade of brown.  Well, the Dr. in Denver said they were doing good..but to continue their swimming at the Hooper Hot Springs pool all winter.  That's a great place to spend and afternoon or evening in the winter, when the snow is softly can look up and see the mountains in the distance.   I must admit I enjoy that too.
 Jason and Jeremy are ardent Bronco fans...All season they live and die with the Broncos.  Their fellow fan...their grandpa passed away a year ago now, when the game's on they get his Bronco hat and place it in front of the TV....It's a very noisy house when it's Bronco time.....It's a good time for women folk to go shopping. 
  I'm so proud of these two young men.  With their faith in God, they have overcome so much, they have never given into their problems...never complain...they just take life and its problems and refuse to recognize defeat about anything.  God Bless you two and I know he does.

A wise son brings joy to his father.    Proverbs 10:1

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