Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Summer is over. Fold it  up. Put a ribbon around it, store it in a box.  And the summer of 2012 is only a memory.  It was such a good friend, I don't want to see it go.  Had a lot of company, visited a lot of places, seen a lot of new sights.  Really enjoyed all the visitors....grandkids, great-grand kids, nieces, nephews, friends.  Lets do it again next summer.

We went looking for the fall colors....Everywhere you look is a big splash of gold, yellow, orange and the last of our greenery.     The sky is so blue, the big fluffy white clouds floating along in the sky, the blue and green of the mountains, with patches of the yellow aspens leaves snuggled in among the evergreens.  This is the world (day) the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

1947 Oklahoma State Fair

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