Thursday, September 6, 2012

September morning

It is a beautiful morning.  I would love to go out and enjoy the bright sunshine.  Take the girls for a  walk.  (My two little chihuahuas, Emily and Sara) But my daughter brought me a box of peaches from the Farmer's Market.  So, I think I had better get busy and take care of them.  They are so good and in the winter, I won't remember the walk, but I will enjoy the taste of delicious Colorado peaches. Some I shall freeze and some I shall make into peach jam.  Maybe I'll make a couple of jars of jam, (if it turns out okay) for a gift.
I have so many projects in mind and started,  but housework, shopping, cooking, cuts into my more fun activities.  I guess that is life.  We do what we have to do first...Or....things get messy, people go hungry..well, you get the picture...Even posting on my blog takes time.    

Well, I took care of my peaches, I have a nice bowlful left to eat fresh.  Here is the results of my efforts. 

         1st ...7 bags ready for the freezer.

The above picture is my three pints of peach jam.  Below 7 bags for the freezer.

My jam turned out so good.  And it was easy.  I must give Martha Stewart credit.  I got the recipe from one of her posts simple.
        Peach Jam
8 to 10 peaches    3 cups sugar    1 tablespoon +1 tsp lemon juice
          Pulse peaches in food processor until slightly chunky.
          Put in sauce pan.   Slowly add sugar and lemon juice.  Bring to boil, stir often.  Until bubbly and frothy.  Until fruit rises to the top, and jam sticks to spoon when lifted.  Cook about 12 minutes. Put into  pint makes 3 pints.  Let cool. Refrigerate.   Is that easy or what!               

The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness...
                 Galatians 6:22


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