Friday, October 12, 2012

Let's Bake A Pie

I think these apples are saying "Apple Pie".  But maybe not.  I like apple pie, but I also like peach and apricot.  I have canned apricots and I have peaches in the freezer.  So, I don't know. Big decision..Besides, I'd have to peel those apples.  Okay,  it's peaches.  I just discovered a great way with a pie crust. It's a Pillsbury, and it's in the dairy case at the grocery store.  Not as good as one you make...but a lot less work.  I  don't mind sacrificing quality...anyway it's not bad.

I thought I'd save the apples for phillo dough.  It will be trial and error..  We'll try and see what happens.  I've never had much success with it, but I'm willing to try again.

Okay, here my peaches were frozen and it got a little juicy.  That's okay.  We'll eat it.

  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
Psalm 138

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